
Do you sometimes also realize you had something, but lent it to somebody, but after a day thinking you still do not know to who and when?

That was my problem also. So I needed something to track my stuff. When there is only the lawn mower to the neighbor for the next hour, there is no problem, but when it's a lot off stuff for long times you will forget about some. In my case a lot of compact discs, yes I am old fashioned...

You found my tool, so either you want to track your stuff or know somebody you want to borrow something from that wants to track their stuff.

How does it work

All stuff you add to your list is owned by you, and you also hold it. As the owner, you can ask somebody else in the system to take ownership or holder ship. Fill out their email, and they will get the request.

Ownership you can change in 3 ways. Buy, buy on installments or gift. In all cases, the new owner must accept. There are no contacts in the system, you will have to agree on the terms yourself. This will be in a future update of the system.

Holder ship you can be changed in 4 ways. Borrow, rent, user agreement or no agreement. Also here, the new owner must accept, the real terms you will have to agree upon yourself. There will be a system update in the future that will provide documents.

The basics

Register for free. Add your stuff. Track who owns things and see who holds things.


The system provides you with listings of what you own and hold, what you own and lend, what you do not own and borrowed and stuff that you once had but do not hold or own anymore.


Always a thing... But the law is simple, tell what data you store and why. So we store your profile data to know who you are and to be able to connect stuff to you. We store object data to know what you want to track. Other users with whom you have shared your stuff with, ownerhip or holdership, can see your personal data. Do you not want that, do not lend, borrow or share your stuff.


When the product is for free, the user is the product. Something I always tell everybody. This product is now free, this will probably change in the future for people or companies that really have a lot of stuff.

We do not sell any user data, we do not use cookies, we do not track you, and we will only analyze data to make this tool better in the future. As long as this tool is free, we accept no liability and use it at your own risk.